Thursday, 20 June 2013

Donor funding not always great

I hosted 10 countries (Botswana, Norway, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe) last week. It was a good network meeting, nurses in the SADC region sharing and exchanging ideas on issues complex to them as nurses' trade unions.

What this network meeting taught me,  is the power and danger of donor funding. It is quite sad that funders flaunt their money and use it to their advantage - poor nations must just get on with the program whether they like it or not. I learnt that when you are poor you do not set your own agenda. Others decide for you, you are told what to do, what is important for you and how it should be done. Funny part is, they're constantly reminded "  you can do things that suit your needs, change things around to suit your objectives" but when they actually try to do that, the donor doesn't allow it because of this and that.

It really saddens me to see Africa in the situation she is in. Will my continent ever  be truly free? Will it ever set its own agenda without any interference?

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