Thursday, 12 March 2015

Teen Mothers, their Kids and Education

Teen Mothers, their Kids and Education

Below is the link to President Zuma’s address on the issue

President Zuma said “teen mothers must be sent away to study…. ” Well, I am not a teen mom (not a mom at all) and I get where the President is coming from, hopefully it will not be taken as a matter of “ingoba akazele/ she doesn’t have kids”. The burden on the public purse cannot be ignored and it will not go away if we don’t change this wheel. As an aspiring public policy maker/specialist I believe tough decisions must be taken, decisions that don’t involve choices like “you can use a condom, the clinic offers family planning, you know you can have an abortion, follow the ABC, stay away from boys/girls and don’t engage in adult activities”. Simply because, once these choices are given (as history will tells us) the consequences borne by the state have nothing to do with choices since the state has to be human, consider the bill of rights etc. And so the state will carry the burden at the expense of tax payers and other programmes. 

I grew up in an impoverished community where I saw kids being raised by their grandmothers, those kids (now young adults) today have kids of their own and they rely on their mother’s pension/ meagre salary, the great grandma’s pension and the government grant. It is a CYCLE, a cycle of poverty. A mere grant from the state and sex education is clearly not enough. Now, let’s take the concerns of the President and make them work, it doesn’t have to be Robben Island or something like that but something different than before has got to be done.

People are asking “what about the boys?” Good question! What about the boys? Where are the boys? In my 30-odd years of life that is the one question that is still unanswered “what about the boys”? 80% of the time they are nowhere to be seen. These teen moms face the music alone and grow up to fend for their kids alone.

I ask “what about the girl child?” that will relive the same cycle as their mom, grandma, great grandma and so on like the wheel that just keeps on turning.

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