One can never have too many bags. I love bags, beautiful bags that is, and I do go out of my way to buy a bag for every occasion. When one has a collection of handbags, clutches and purses it becomes easier to select a bag according to outfit, mood or occasion.
I have this gorgeous handbag from Afore Studio 2015. Afore Studio sells quality, affordable handbags. Most of their merchandise are of the finest quality PU leather you can find. Afore Studio handbags are fashioned and stitched to perfection, the bags are made to last the customer a long time. It may be too soon for me to judge the durability of this handbag since I have been carrying it for four months, a friend who purchased the same bag from Afore Studio has been carrying it for over six months - could be too soon to tell still.
Besides the exquisite colour this take-anywhere bag is versatile
and preppy.
It is a two-in-one, I don't know what is better than that. On the inner part of the main bag you will find a suede lining. The second bag which you find inside the actual bag has a centre zip compartment, which allows for easy internal separation. Plus, you can carry this bag for three occasions/ with three outfits.
Look, I get that not everyone is into the whole "matchy-matchy" thing but I love taking out a purse that compliments the bag that I am carrying. This Fossil purse looks great together with the bag, the colour is not exactly the same shade but it is a perfect match.
This genuine leather purse from Fossil is classy and spacey. If you are like me and have too many cards it is perfect as it has enough card compartments. What I don't like about it is the fact that the inner part of the bag is not genuine leather despite the label saying that it is genuine leather and for its price it is a pity that some parts of the purse are not leather.
Check-out Afore Studio on instagram: @aforestudio
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Please note that lighting may have slightly affected the colour shade of the bag in photo 5 & 6.
*All photos are mine unless otherwise stated*